Diapason Consulting



After some spam issues already with my first email SAAS (Namecheap) for diapason.consulting, I had moved my email services to my Google Workspace subscription, which I had upgraded to the second tier, including a supposedly professional level email server services. Several weeks of frustration later, after having setup SPF, DKIM, DMARC, with my emails still ending up widely in spams, I contacted google workspace support. The support chatbot questions, over a couple of minutes, led me to this point with a human support person.

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Workflows The invention and spread of writing did not turn everyone into a literary creator. Neither did the printing press, typewriters, home printers or word processors. The democratisation of home studios, electronic music equipment and pro-quality plugins did not turn every bedroom muso or DJ into Jean Michel Jarre or Deadmau5. Like Jordan Tanner @jrdntnnr explained to John Flowers, “having the latest, flashiest Nikon camera […] doesn’t automatically make you a professional photographer”.

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Creative August

Diapason creative - August Newsletter Diapason’s resonances this past month CreativeAI_Sydney I just received my invitation to DALL-E 2 and have started playing with it as you can guess from the images on this post. I haven’t used Midjourney and Gaugan yet. Beyond the “fun” of it, I have been blown away by the quality and depth of some of some of the artworks I have seen recently, like this journey or this landscape.

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Creative July

Diapason creative - July Newsletter Diapason’s resonances this past month Dope news from Lili Alaska. Nice concerts recently in Bondi and in the iconic Powerhouse; Glad Lili went through the French tradition that has been forging characters at the real #FeteDeLaMusique since the 80s: packing a band setup in less than 4 minutes under the rain :D When the Roots are Deep, new single just released with Santino Salvadore. Give it a spin here as well.

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Creative AI Symposium

Sydney Creative AI Symposium. At Diapason we are really excited to be part of the organising committee for the upcoming Sydney Creative AI Symposium. This will happen in August 18th-20th at UNSW School of Art & Design, Paddington Campus, on Gadigal Land. This event will bring together technologists, artists, arts organisations and researchers based in and around Sydney to showcase work, to take stock of what impact AI and generative technologies are having, now and in the future, to solve technological problems and to design the best world we can for arts communities.

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Diapason Offsite

Melbourne festival off. Great day today in a cold and wet Melbourne. Very excited to meet up the next two days with the many participants, speakers and panelists of the Digital Health festival 2022. For the occasion, I got inspired by the European/French “festival off” tradition and decided to organise a couple of get-togethers, after hours and in parallel with the official festival program. For starters, I will welcome all early founders, including founders so early that they haven’t flicked the switch yet, to a cozy “blues counseling” session.

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Regulations never sleep

Regs never sleep. And they can wake you up early. Early in the day and early in the startups life-cycle. When pitching for an early round, it’s tempting to think “Investors at this stage just need 1 slide or 2 to present our classification and a vague regulatory plan. In any case, they can always ask later, during the due diligence”. Experience proves that investors have done their homework:

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Tiro Cruzado

Groove of the day - Tiro Cruzado - Cross Fire A groovy bassline is the best possible start for a Wednesday. I discovered the track on Remi’s Delirium, an Orbital Radio show, also available here. Released by Sergio Mendes on Brazil 1988. This infectious bassline is from Nathan Watts, who has played on many of Stevie Wonder’s hits and tours. I experienced for the first time with this track the fact that music.

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Ethic Questions

Linkedin, Digital Health and Ethics The development of self driving cars has shine a bright light on the tramway challenge, which has reached meme status. The digital health revolution is no different and has created gazillions of ethical challenges. You can call that a goldmine of ethic questions, if you like your glass half-full or are a professional ethicist. Or you can call it a minefield, if you are an entrepreneur in health tech, or an investor backing such a venture.

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Just guidelines

I posted this as a Linkedin article - after I started a post and was out of room. After several instances of being temporarily banned from linkedin, I decided to safekeep it here. Nature is a continuous and multidimensional system. Any model based on a discrete classification will necessarily be a dimension-reducing projection, and will create arbitrary and energy-hungry distortions. Justin Kunimune, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons This article started as a comment to this post.

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