Diapason Consulting


Diapason Offsite

Melbourne festival off. Great day today in a cold and wet Melbourne. Very excited to meet up the next two days with the many participants, speakers and panelists of the Digital Health festival 2022. For the occasion, I got inspired by the European/French “festival off” tradition and decided to organise a couple of get-togethers, after hours and in parallel with the official festival program. For starters, I will welcome all early founders, including founders so early that they haven’t flicked the switch yet, to a cozy “blues counseling” session.

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Ethic Questions

Linkedin, Digital Health and Ethics The development of self driving cars has shine a bright light on the tramway challenge, which has reached meme status. The digital health revolution is no different and has created gazillions of ethical challenges. You can call that a goldmine of ethic questions, if you like your glass half-full or are a professional ethicist. Or you can call it a minefield, if you are an entrepreneur in health tech, or an investor backing such a venture.

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Selftech Pioneers

Selftech Pioneers https://events.humanitix.com/diy-loopers-pioneers-of-self-tech Jasmine Schipp will introduce us to the communities of DIY Loopers and share with us her research on their reasons to choose to use DIY systems, how they navigate the challenges, and the future of this movement. After Jasmine’s presentation, Jon Schull, Anthony DiFranco, Renza Scibilia and I will discuss further the place and scope of this movement within the entire diabete-care ecosystem, and its relationships with other communities of DYI makers, open-source advocates and healthtech enthusiasts.

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