Diapason Consulting


Entrepreneurs, it is never too early to integrate good design and development practices, quality management and ethics&regulatory considerations in your global strategy. It does not mean you need a certified QMS this week and a TGA registration tomorrow. You may not even need them at all if your product is not regulated. But now is the right time to understand whether you are regulated, and if so, what is the scope of these regulations. It is also the right time to design the next steps of your development and growth in a way that give investors confidence that you are on top of your strategy. Plan and manage not only the technical steps of your value proposition development - but also plan for your commercial, clinical and regulatory pathways


Whether you are working on a new product submission, need a solid independent review of your processes or a formal internal audit, some help on a risk management committee, or are considering a significant transformation/growth project, we can help. Give us a call and we can discuss how I can either help you directly, or else introduce you to other experts in my extensive network


Medtech, digital health, wellness & wearables, mental health apps… These applicaitons are fast growing multi-billion dollars market, driven by mind-blowing innovations and the promises of a better health and wellbeing for billions of users and patients. Behind these innovations are talented entrepreneurs who repeatedly invent, build and test new solutions. What lies ahead of these entrepreneurs is complex. A good growth strategy needs to be evidence-driven, but evidence is expensive, more particularly in the regulated clinical world. Diapason can help investors in their risk assessment - pre- or post- investment - with a review of the founder’s plans and their early positions in terms of regulatory strategy, quality&compliance culture, evidence&documentation or process management excellence. Call us to discuss how we could participate in your due diligence exercises.

From our blog


on June 16, 2024

As you may know, I have not been in Australia much these past months, working and living primarily in Europe, Maastricht more accurately. The work for which I was primarily here just terminated. Thankfully, during this time I have not been only working, but I have also discovered and involved myself in the rich and diverse local and regional community of musicians, international students and other creative minds of all ages.

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Gratuite du Credit (In French)

on June 11, 2023

I wrote this review of Gratuite du Credit back in 2007 or so, whilst living in New Zealand, for an website that has since disappeared, “bookine.org” The topic came up recently with a friend, and the host was kind enough to fish it for me :) Adolescent gauchisant, par la suite jeune adulte AAA, non pas Ancien Alcoolique Anonyme (ceux qui ont de la bouteille LOL), quoique, mais Abstentionniste Anarcho-Apolitique, par le hasard des rencontres je me suis lié dernièrement d’amitié avec un membre des “instances” dirigeantes du parti Libertarianz.

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Creative May

on May 3, 2023

Diapason creative - May 2023 The generative and creative AI explosion is here to stay. The prompt to image hype of mid 2022, driven by the likes of Midjourney, was not just a hype after all. It was a first step in a bullet-train race which reached the conversational AI station in late 2022. Now the train has split into a set of gigantic pinball multiballs, causing havoc across all industries.

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Welcome to the machine

on April 22, 2023

Welcome to the machine. “Knock - Knock” “Who’s there?” “Me, a human” “Welcome human. What’s your prompt? Think carefully - the few words you say will determine your fate”. I stumbled the other day on promptperfect, a SaaS website that offers to optimize one’s prompt, taking into account the specifics of the various models that could be used. This works, allegedly, for chat-like LLMs, as well as for prompt to image applications.

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